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Create outstanding products

Experience Design

Envision and craft beautiful UX/UI designs, that work for users and elevate your product. Leverage Generative AI effectively to design the next generation of interfaces, while always keeping the user as your top priority.​

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UX strategy & architecture
Visual language & design systems
Product design, detailed UX/UI
Multi-modal interaction design
Gen AI-powered experience design​
Gen AI design strategy​
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Understand your users

UX Research

Collect meaningful data at every stage, from strategy to post-launch. Investigate pain points and sources of friction, discover the impact of your product, and unlock new needs and growth opportunities.

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User research
Global recruitment & research operations
Field research and need finding
Product usability evaluations
Gen AI-oriented user testing​
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Innovate with confidence

Usability for Medical Devices

Innovate safely by integrating usability engineering activities in your development process. Get your medical device approved and bring it to the market.

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Full support for FDA / CE approval
Usability testing
User-centered design for medical devices
Formative evaluation
Summative / Validation testing (USA, EU)
HFE Report, Usability Engineering File
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Explore our additional services

Understand your product

Take your product forward and make better business decisions.
Product Analysis
Product bench-marking
Product roadmap
UX consulting & strategy  
Brand health research

Test your product

Reveal the “why” behind your data. Get actionable outcomes that will make a difference.
Usability testing
Testing facilities
Localization testing
Expert evaluation

Train your team

Learn how to keep humans first in a world of ever-changing technology.
C-suite workshops
Seminars for product teams
Usability training for medical companies

Start-up fast track

Transform your technological promise into a user-friendly experience. Build on our proven expertise to aim higher and move faster.
Pitch decks
Product mock-up
Prototyping for early evaluation of UX
Talk to us to tailor the solution for you